The last two weeks have been absolutely nuts! I look back and can't believe everything that has happened! I know God has been carrying us through, cuz without Him, I can't imagine how we would have survived. I have hardly had time to go to the bathroom since I got back from Cap Haitien with Roselisa! I have a LOT to blog about....which I will...after I find time to go to the bathroom!
Please keep us in your prayers as we are all exhausted and emotionally spent!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Posted by Lori West at 6:52 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
My youngest brother is.isn'' coming to visit!
This is my brother Caleb. He and the wind are one. He called early last week to say he was coming down for a couple weeks before carpentry school started its March term. Then there were so booking issues, so he wasn't coming anymore...that was Friday or Saturday last week. Then today I got an email and then a phone call shortly after. You got it, he's flying in on Monday. Gotta luv him. And the wind.
Posted by Lori West at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Prayer Request
This is Roselisa. You might remember her being referred to back in July as Ti Chat(little cat). She came to stay with us last summer as she had become severely dehydrated and has been here since. I'd been looking for someway to get her some help for her clubbed feet and other abnormalities she has with her legs, when I came across CURE Caribbean while I was home last summer. They work in the Dominican (and worldwide) and do clinics 4 times a year in Haiti. I got in contact with Dr. Scott Nelson who immediatly told me how happy he would be to help Roselisa.
So, this Sunday, Feb 15th, we are heading to Cap Haitien in northern Haiti to meet with the CURE team. Some great people who I am looking forward to meet, Clark and Pat Moore, have opened their home to us while we are there. It was such a blessing to get in contact with them and not have to worry about those details anymore!

Posted by Lori West at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
How to make Coal(chabon) in 7 Easy Steps

5. Start the pile on fire...? (I kinda missed this step)

We managed to get 4 bags like this full of coal. We use about 3 bags of coal a week. A bag this size sells for about $5-8 USD. Coal is the main source of cooking fuel here in Haiti. It burns incredibly hot for a long time and there is a huge market for it here in Haiti. However, the heavy dependency on this fuel source has effectively depleted the forests of Haiti. This has resulted in poor crops and gardens as there is not sufficient rain/wind cover, as well as incredible devestation as a resut of hurricanes with nothing to block the wind and rain and stop the soil from running into the ocean. It seems to be an endles cycle as the majority of people in Haiti are too poor to be able to afford another fuel source.
Posted by Lori West at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Meet Lony

This is Lony's left hand

Posted by Lori West at 5:02 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Long overdue photo blog
Posted by Lori West at 11:30 PM 2 comments
A few Christmas pics...better late than never????
We celebrated Christmas January 10th. We had to wait for everything to arrive through customs, and had a lot of fun getting things all sorted. It was great fun watching all the kids open and explore the wonderful things wonderful people had sent for each of them. Thanks to all of you who helped make this day special!
Posted by Lori West at 10:48 PM 1 comments
Baby Barrage
We've had a flurry of baby activity this past week. Check out Pat's blog for the details.
Posted by Lori West at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Update on Alyssa
Yes, in the mud.
This little girl who God had literally brought back from death's doorstep was left in the mud like a piece of trash.
Thankfully, God sent some young girls who found her shortly after and took her up to the court house.
I was devestated. Shocked. Disgusted. Angry. Sad. Hopeless. I think I experienced almost every emotion in the book.
Then we heard that the brother(and his wife) of one of the leaders at the church we attend here was planning to take in Alyssa.I really just wanted to march up there and demand they give Alyssa back to us, but then realized that perhaps I needed to let God work out His plan. But, I was mad. Mad at the woman who gave birth to Alyssa. Mad at the circumstances that brought Alyssa here initially. Mad at the man who fathered Alyssa and refused to take any responsibility for her, even if it only involved writing his name so we could legally care for her. Mad at the reality that though I don't have a lot of love for Alyssa's birthmom, I also realize that she is not in a good situation herself. Mad because it seems so unfair. Mad because I don't understand. Mad because we see things like this over and over and over. Mad because the cycle seems endless. Mad because sometimes our hands are so tied up. Mad because caring so much can really hurt a lot. Mad because I can't see why.
The last we've heard about Alyssa is that the family that has been taking care of her is going to take her to Port-au-Prince to live with her aunt who has no children. It's totally out of my hands, and I have some sense of peace knowing that He holds Alyssa in His hand. But I still have this hope that jumps in my heart each time someone bangs on the gate.
Posted by Lori West at 10:01 PM 3 comments
Cakes cakes cakes
Posted by Lori West at 6:56 PM 0 comments