Samuel-1...and there goes the cake!
With all of the craziness at the house, we got a little behind on the birthdays. A couple weeks before I came home, I realized I had better get on organizing the birthday bash, or when I came back we would be even farther behind!
Thankfully we had a lot of people(big and small) around to help decorate all 6 cakes (which sometimes be a little stressful on my sometimes perfectionistic self) ,
and help put up balloons and streamers! So, for all of you who have been wondering what cakes we came up with this time, here you go!

Richard-1st Birthday

Ketteline-8(Thanks for the 5 lbs of Mini Eggs Mom, they made this butterfly delish!)

Conleigh reminded everyone of a little madamoiselle with her hat!
The Birthday Gang
Jay-2, Ketteline-8, Conleigh-2
Richard-1, Naika-4, Samuel-1

Conleigh was full of dramatic faces...excited and a little overwhelmed at the attention!

Pardon the lack of Naika pictures. I was holding her, and thus the pics of her are on someone else's camera. This is her watermelon cake. I will post some pics of the birthday girl when I figure out whose camera they are on!

Everyone enjoying Chico's(cheesies from the Dominican) and Tampico(fruit juice from Haiti) and cake and excitement!

Jay turned 2. It was his first birthday with us and he wasn't too sure about everything, but definitely didn't mind when he realized he could eat the boat!

I have decided I need to make my cakes less appealing...or at least use fewer fun candy embellishments!!!! Just look at Conleigh's face...she was ready to go in for the kill...and she did, of course heading straight for the poor bunny's eyeballs! I actually LOVE making cakes for the kids...though now I personally have obtained this "wanting as close to perfection in Haiti as possible with my newly learned and limited cake decorating skills" attitude, which is very annoying as I realize I have spent WAY too long on a cake! But, it's always a labour of love!
Parent's beware:these children now accept only really cool cakes! Or at least ones with lots of love poured into them!
Thanks for the new pictures. I had been waiting to post about Conleigh's birthday because I figured you would have some pictures of the celebration there. I haven't seen any new pictures of Conleigh in 5 months; she looks much more grown up. Thanks again!
thanks for all the gret pictures Lori. i don't know why it shocked me that Samuel's already a year old!?
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