So, it's finally happening!!! I thought the day would never come!!On March 17th I'm heading back to my other home. Myself and another girl who is from Barrhead, Angelique Loitz, booked our tickets yesterday. I got the ok from my doctor last week, and until we leave I'm continuing to work with the great therapy folk at the hospital. They've been great...and for sure being a recent coworker has had its benefits! My thumb isn't bending a lot least not without help. But, this is normal I hear, and I just have to keep working at things!
I AM SO EXCITED!!!! It has been far too long since I've had the aroma of garbage assault my senses!! Too long since I've felt sweat trickle down my back(seriously, there was a 70degree difference on those -40 days!), and had trouble deciphering between sweat and humidity! Far, far too long since I've been awoken at 5:30 a.m. by 20 little voices calling "Lowi"(as they are apt to say my name)outside my door. I am so looking forward to being in the midst of it all again, despite the times I complain about the very same things!!
So much has happened since I've been's going to be so different with so many of my kids gone home to their forever families!!! I've seen 4 of them since being home this past 9 weeks,and it has been amazing to see how far they've come in such a short time!! My secret favorite(though it's not so secret I suppose) now lives in Edmonton, and I've seen him a few times! He was so surprised to see me the first time, but his little 2 year old eyes lit up and as usual he had my heart!! His family has been so great and have welcomed me as a part of Ethan's life, as have in fact a number of families. I remember when we got his passport in Haiti, I bawled, both happy he was finally getting to go home, and because I love him so much and was gonna miss him a ton! So, despite me not wanting to be in Canada all this time, it's been great to see the kids attaching to their families and I guess in reality gave me a chance to let go too!!
I AM SO EXCITED!!!! It has been far too long since I've had the aroma of garbage assault my senses!! Too long since I've felt sweat trickle down my back(seriously, there was a 70degree difference on those -40 days!), and had trouble deciphering between sweat and humidity! Far, far too long since I've been awoken at 5:30 a.m. by 20 little voices calling "Lowi"(as they are apt to say my name)outside my door. I am so looking forward to being in the midst of it all again, despite the times I complain about the very same things!!
So much has happened since I've been's going to be so different with so many of my kids gone home to their forever families!!! I've seen 4 of them since being home this past 9 weeks,and it has been amazing to see how far they've come in such a short time!! My secret favorite(though it's not so secret I suppose) now lives in Edmonton, and I've seen him a few times! He was so surprised to see me the first time, but his little 2 year old eyes lit up and as usual he had my heart!! His family has been so great and have welcomed me as a part of Ethan's life, as have in fact a number of families. I remember when we got his passport in Haiti, I bawled, both happy he was finally getting to go home, and because I love him so much and was gonna miss him a ton! So, despite me not wanting to be in Canada all this time, it's been great to see the kids attaching to their families and I guess in reality gave me a chance to let go too!!
Ethan(Cliph) and his family
Me and my little buddy
Rosena(Naomi) and Fethnel and their mom
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