Hi! I'm glad you made it! This is the place where I will do my best to keep you up to date with what is happening as I serve at Haiti Children's Home. I hope that this blog will allow you to "experience" my life in Haiti, as I follow God's voice and the desire He has placed on my heart.
Posted by Lori West at 1:24 PM 1 comments
Posted by Lori West at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Posted by Lori West at 12:00 PM 0 comments
So, last night a little birdie informed me by hilariously delayed SKYPE(internet phone) that I had really been slacking on the blogging front! Consider my hand slapped! I didn’t realize how many people have been keeping up with me via my blog…maybe a few hello’s would help remind me!!(hint hint)
Anyway, things have been insanely busy here!!! We have had 5 kids leave in a matter of three weeks, so that means that we have had families here to pick up kids and that kinda throws everything into more of a loop than usual...though it's really neat to see kids bonding with their families and to see their personalities emerge that are hidden downstairs amongst 38 other kids!
Two weeks ago I spent the weekend in Port-au-Prince being a support to a lady that was here picking up her little girl and had been waiting almost 3 weeks for the passport to be released. It had been quite a stressful time for her, and I was glad I could "be a pal" and be there for her. I actually went to the Embassy with her all on my own and helped get her visa(I really didn't do much more than translate), after we sat in this stuffy little hot restaurant the Friday and waited for a number of people to get the passport released. Rumour was the machine that puts the emblem on the front of the passport was broken down...only in Haiti does such a thing happen, and only to people who have been waiting for two years to take their baby home! But, by God's grace and perhaps a couple "loaded" handshakes to get us in a couple doors, everthing happened in time for the ladies flight the next day. The day we were at the embassy, we got dropped off there and after we got the visa I realized I had to find a way to get us back together with our driver...only I don't yet have a cellphone, and there is no such thing as a handy payphone in the building!! So, we ventured down the street, as I know that everwhere are what I call "phone guys". Somehow or other they have these regular looking house phones all jacked up so that they are totally portable and are literally a walking payphone. I had no idea what the cost was or how to go about using the system, but with a wide-eyed very trusting adoptive mom in tow, I mangaged to get in contact with our people and not get totally ripped off!! Cedieu, one of the guys that works here was the one I had to get a hold of, and he announced that I was truly Haitian when he realized I had just gone and found a phone and got done what needed to happen without just sitting there for hours!! I didn't tell him that I was somewhat comforted by the big UN tank sitting on the street!!
Last week 4 girls arrived, one of whom is going to be staying for a year as well. They are all so nice and we've had a lot of fun these past couple weeks...the shower line has gotten a bit long, especially since two more girls arrived on Tuesday!!
School here has officially started and the kids are really picking English up quickly!! It's amazing how much they actually absorb when you think you just spent 1/2hr talking for no reason!! There is a gal here who is getting us started for 5 weeks and she's really great!! I am really sad that she is leaving in such a short time, not only because she's a great teacher, but cuz we mesh quite well together!I'm hoping she'll come back again this year while I am here!
We've started doing small group sessions at night, and that has made the bedtime routine so much calmer!! It's amazing!! Pat, Melinda, myself and Minnie(who is here for a year) each have a group and it's been neat to see how the kids identify with THEIR groups each night...they are quite particular that each kid is in the right place!
We've been doing a lot of crafty type things...really focusing on working on hand-eye
co-ordination and being able to follow directions. The kids really love being able to cut and color and use glue and then have something to call their own!! All those years of camp and Sunday School and other such things have really helped me with ideas!
We've been working on improving the kids' diet here, and with the improved changes has come a fount of diarrhea!! Peeheeww!!! But, they are loving the new food and it's been so great to have all these volunteers here who can help cook and show the haitian cooks how to cook new things!
Hmmm....there are a few projects going on here, such as cleaning out the plumbing system as things are not quite running as they should. As well, we have been getting a surprising amount of rain, and it has turned the back yard near the house into a marsh of sorts, complete with noisy frogs! So, we've decided to work it all up and make a big cement pad out there...this will provide a place to park the truck, and keep the water level down which will help with the mosquitos which have suddenly presented themselves in full force!! Melinda never ceases to amaze me with her know-how of so many things!!
Evan is doing well...he no longer looks like an alien! He's a really cute little boy, all four pounds of him! The rest of the kids are quite well...a few sick with colds and we've been fighting eye infections with some, but over all things are helathy here.
I've been doing really well as well. A few too many mosquito bites, and some tired days, but overall content and happy to be doing what I know I've been called here to do! It's been really neat to actually talk with the kids and get to know them so much better...I really have to work on not getting too attached cuz I love them all so much already...although I think it's too late with one little guy that calls my name up the stairs all hours of the day...
I'll try not too be so long between posts next time...my fingers are sore!!
Posted by Lori West at 1:54 PM 2 comments