Friday, August 29, 2008

To catch you all up

So Pat has finally managed(and I mean that with utmost respect given the current busy situation!!) to post pics and info on the triplets that arrived while I was boarding the plane in Port-au-Prince!! There are also 2 other new babies in their care, so needless to say, it has been a little crazy there!! See Grandma Pat's Babies
The rest of the children are doing well and started school part-time in August as they could not allow Minnie to make them wait for September!! There are a number of files on the way to HCH from families that are intersted in adopting some of our kids, so that is really exciting as its been quiet on the new adoptions front for a while!
Please pray for Rose Lisa(Ti-Chat)(please see #12 on the July 20th posting, as well as the one about her from September 2007) as I believe that after much waiting and not really knowing how to go about it all, that we have found a surgeon who will operate on her clubbed feet and begin to address the involved situation her legs present!! I was so amazed and blessed and excited when he responded to my email. They do surgeries in Haiti quarterly, and have a hospital in the Dominican where they do work all year round. Please pray that it all comes together and that the funds needed to sponsor this family come together. The surgery will not cost anything, but may involve travel across the border to the Dominican and other related expenses. Since her birth I have been struggling as to where and how to seek the best medical care for this little girl, and God in his infinite timing showed me...when I have time to do research and email a lot!
I am really enjoying my time at home, visiting with family and friends and just relaxing! I didn't really realize how tired and emotionally drained I was from the last few months at HCH...seeing and working with all those pitiful little sick children takes a lot out of a person, in addition to 27 other kids who are impatiently waiting for you downstairs! I've shared a couple of times about the work at HCH, and I am excited at people sharing with me that every time I come back from Haiti, their eyes are opened a little more to what it really is like there!
I plan to head back to Haiti likely the 7th or 8th of October, as I am waiting to head back until after being a bridesmaid in Laura Grant's wedding!! I am missing the kids a lot and really look forward to going back, though I know I need this break and really have been enjoying myself!
Thanks for all your phone calls and such since I've been home. It's so nice to be around "family" again!