Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lapli ap tonbe! (The rain is falling)

So, my plans to keep a well updated blog may be impeded by the bain of my internet existence..the rainy season!! The rain started 3 days ago, and getting a good internet connection is almost impossible when I have the time to try. It doesn't rain all day, but the internet goes down in the afternoon, and then maybe comes back on at night, so the last few days of blogging have not happened!! But when it rains, we have a small Lake Superior in the front joke, you have to wade through to the front gate!! And this will continue well into the summer...July/August, though not as intense.
Things have continued to be great!!! I've gotten into a routine and we're getting the kids into one...we sat down and planned the week out, and it's so nice cuz everyone knows what is happening for the most part, and there's less "planning by the seat of your pants".
There's a bit of a cold/earache thing going through the house, and things were a little crazy here today! But the kids are looking great, and it's so funny to see all those babies all toddling around

Interesting thing happened today...they opened the damn up the river and there were hundreds of people running past the orphange toward the river yelling "pwason" (fish), as the river was flooded with fish. We went out to take some pictures of the excitement at the prospect of free fish...we missed the fish but caught the excitment. And even got caught in the rain.

Cute story: David was working in his schoolbook and was learning how to draw different shapes to make different animals. He was attempting to draw a half circle, and suddenly said "Look, it's a sleeping 'D'!!"

I'll try and get some pics on here soon. I know many of you are wanting to see the kids!


Bid said...

You should email me....why is Moess still there or was he just visiting? (however the heck you spell his name)